Our services are the result of expertise, experience and commitment. We offer a variety of services designed to help you achieve your goals, whether in property investment, business management or other areas.

Investment Consulting &
Project Acquisition

Investment Consulting & Project Acquisition:

∙ Development of investment strategies customised to the needs of our clients
∙ Comprehensive acquisition with an experienced purchasing team and external professional partners
∙ Exclusive cooperation with private and institutional portfolio holders and project developers
∙ Quantitative & Qualitative Selection and Analysis
∙ Strategic, economic and technical evaluation and decision document
∙ Economic feasibility studies and technical due diligence
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Transaction Consulting

Transaction Consulting

∙ Vorab-Besichtigungen und Screening durch uns
∙ Organisation of your local visits and arrival
∙ Selecting, founding and managing the right legal form
∙ Legal and administrative representation
∙ Price negotiations and drafting purchase contracts
∙ Evaluation and process support for financing
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Portfolio Management &
Asset Management

Portfolio & Asset Management

∙ Holistic investment approach with an experienced management team and professional specialised service providers
∙ Dynamic instead of static management of our managed assets
∙ Vollumfängliche Wahrnehmung des Potenzials dank unseren weitreichenden technischen Kompetenzen
∙ Special experience in dealing with monument preservation
∙ A sense of aesthetics and sustainable property creation
∙ Transparency and overview of your asset with portfolio-specific key figures and regular reports
Further information

Project Development &

Project Development & Management

∙ Profitability analysis, location and market assessment
∙ Planning, utilisation and exploitation concepts
∙ Legal construction preparation
∙ Operational Material Purchasing
∙ Construction management
∙ Structural post-construction support and warranty
Further information
Investment Consulting & Project Acquisition
per invest unites all real estate-related skills in a highly specialised office.
From management to New Project Planing and construction and thus has a view of the big picture. When selecting a suitable property, you should therefore place your trust in a partner who fulfils all these valuation aspects.
Customised solutions from the company per invest starts with honest and non-binding advice on each individual initial situation of the interested party.  In order to meet the constantly growing challenges of regional and global market change, we, and therefore you, only consider properties that stand out from the average through detailed analyses and methods.
Transaction Consulting
Investing in a Real Estate is a matter of trust. Our partners and clients should have the certainty of always being able to make the right decision. Competent, fair advice and individual, discreet support are therefore the basis of our cooperation. Honesty and Trust are indispensable Elements of our Underlying Philosophy. We carefully safeguard the interests of our partners and stakeholders, utilise all our specialist knowledge in a target-oriented manner, just as we would do for ourselves, and only promise what we can deliver.
Portfolio Management & Property Management
Our portfolio management team takes care of all aspects of your property so that you are not left alone with the technical, legal and commercial management of the property after a successful investment. In terms of simplicity, your investment is therefore similar to a managed fund, where you need do nothing more than devote yourself to other things with a clear conscience. With the experienced core team now housed in our Portfolio Management Office in the Villa Belvedere on the Gänsheide, we take over the management of your property assets as your local partner.
Project Planning & Development
Our expert core team has many years of practical experience in the development and refurbishment of a wide range of residential and commercial properties. This also enables us to technically realise your wishes, ideas or even just your intentions and to implement demanding projects. With our own specialists and a proven network of specialised service providers, architecture and engineering firms, we know what needs to be done and who we need to do it. We are constantly expanding the depth of our expertise in order to exceed our A to Z promise.
Gruppe 117

per Invest GmbH

Calwerstr. 31

70184 Stuttgart




+49 711 220 229 80